About the Journal
Supernatural Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Art, Media, and Culture
Supernatural Studies (print ISSN 2470-203X; online ISSN 2325-4866) is a peer-reviewed journal dedicated to the academic study of representations of the supernatural, the speculative, the uncanny, and the weird across periods and disciplines. Supernatural Studies welcomes submissions on such representations in literature, film, television, video games, and other cultural texts and artifacts.
Beginning with issue 4.1, publication in Supernatural Studies occurs both in print and by open-access electronic publication under a Creative Commons BY-NC license. Material from issues prior to 4.1 will be made available online as authorial permissions are secured. The journal is listed in the MLA Directory of Periodicals and indexed in the MLA International Bibliography and EBSCO.
See our latest Calls for Papers here. Submissions regular issues are accepted on a rolling basis.
If you are a scholar interested in serving as a peer reviewer for Supernatural Studies, please fill out this form.
Editorial Board of Supernatural Studies
Executive Editors
Leah Richards, LaGuardia Community College,
City University of New York; member, The Council of Editors of Learned Journals
John R. Ziegler, Bronx Community College,
City University of New York
Assistant Executive Editors
Raechel Dumas, San Diego State University
Catherine Siemann, New Jersey Institute of Technology
Reviews Editor
Jennifer Gilchrist
Social Media Editor
Deborah Christie
U.K. Business Manager
Ellen Rawson
Editorial Board
Anastassiya Andrianova, North Dakota State University
Maija Birenbaum, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater
Christina Carlson, Iona College
Joseph Donica, Bronx Community College, City University of New York
Curt Herr, Kutztown University
Bethany Holmstrom, LaGuardia Community College, City University of New York
Noah Simon Jampol, Bronx Community College, City University of New York
Sorcha Ní Fhlainn, Manchester Metropolitan University
Stephanie Pietros, College of Mount Saint Vincent
Shannon Proctor, LaGuardia Community College, City University of New York
David J. Puglia, Bronx Community College, City University of New York
Sigmund Shen, LaGuardia Community College, City University of New York
Patricia Tarantello, Marist University
Volume 9, issue 2 [delayed but in latter stages of production]: Proceedings of It Is in Our House Now: Twin Peaks: The Return: The Online Conference, guest edited by Franck Boulègue and Marisa C. Hayes.
News and Events
9 MAr. 2025: Web-first review of Fairy Encounters in Medieval England: Landscape, Folklore and the Supernatural and The Female Vampire in Hispanic Literature: A Critical Anthology of Turn of the 20th Century Gothic-Inspired Tales are now available.
26 Feb. 2025: Vol. 10, issue 1 is now available in print and electronically.
The online, open-access reviews section of Supernatural Studies is live and accepting submissions.
Read Paolo Javier and Thomas Fink's "Exchange with Leah Richards and John Ziegler on Their Editorial Stewardship of Supernatural Studies" on Dichtung Yammer (1 Dec. 2019).
Read one participant's reflection on presenting at the inaugural 2018 Supernatural Studies Conference.
Read a review of Supernatural Studies 2.1 by Janet Brennan Croft, editor of the journal Mythlore.
Donate to Supernatural Studies
If you wish to donate to help defray the costs of the journal, which does not currently receive any institutional funding, you can use the button below.